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"Projects across the whole spectrum of life": Christmas donation 2023 from STORAG ETZEL

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Group photo with representatives of the charitable institutions that were supported as part of the 2023 Christmas donation (source: STORAG ETZEL)

A symbolic donation cheque in the amount of 15,000 euros was recently presented by STORAG ETZEL as a traditional Christmas donation to social and charitable institutions in the vicinity of the Etzel cavern plant.

The projects and institutions were very carefully selected by STORAG ETZEL this year, "they reflect almost the entire spectrum of life," said Boris Richter, Commercial Director of the cavern operator, at the cheque presentation in Etzel.

They include the promotion of children's fire brigades, a reading theatre for hundreds of primary school children in the municipality of Friedeburg, village culture, study scholarships, cultural promotion and also support for the food bank idea and the hospice movement in the area. 

"What they all have in common is that they achieve a lot in the districts of the municipality of Friedeburg - sometimes quietly and sometimes with greater public attention. Some of them are also flagship projects. We have been supporting many institutions sustainably for years, they are established with us!"