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Corporate Governance

Governance: The "G" at ESG

Years ago, STORAG ETZEL already clearly stated the "lived" good corporate governance in the corporate principles.

Our values

Corporate principle: SAFETY - Safety for people and the environment is the central building block of our actions.

Corporate principle: INNOVATION - Our aim is to continuously improve our processes and technical solutions.

Corporate principle: RESPONSIBILITY - We live responsibility for our business partners, our environment, the region and the environment.

Corporate principle: ONE TEAM - We are only successful as a team - open communication and respectful interaction are important to us.

External experts regularly certify the high standards of our corporate principles according to environment (DIN EN ISO 14001), energy (DIN EN ISO 50001), health (DIN EN ISO 45001), safety (DIN EN ISO 45001) and quality (DIN EN ISO 9001).

Here you can learn more about our certifications.

Current approved general operating plan gives long-term perspective

STORAG ETZEL GmbH, as the contractor responsible under mining law, is obliged to regularly submit an outline operating plan on intended projects in the operation of the Etzel cavern facility. The new, optional general operating plan application, which maps STORAG ETZEL's operations at the Etzel site for a longer period of time for the 99 cavern sites already approved, was submitted on schedule to the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) in January 2019. Components of the application included the subsidence forecast from 2016, the impact analysis from 2018 based on this and commissioned by STORAG ETZEL, and a concept for the safe storage of caverns after the end of cavern operation in the future in accordance with the current state of the art.

Public was involved

The LBEG, as the supervisory authority, involved the technical authorities, publicly responsible bodies and affected associations and institutions. In the course of the approval procedure, the public was continuously informed by LBEG and STORAG ETZEL.

Approval in January 2020

In January 2020, the LBEG approved the submitted optional general operating plan, as it met all legal requirements. All expert opinions and documents submitted by STORAG ETZEL were comprehensively reviewed.

The planned technical expansion and conversion measures (recompletion) on oil and gas caverns are now bindingly regulated via ancillary provisions. The approval of the general operating plan is limited until January 31, 2070 and applies to a maximum of 99 caverns.